The putter is a subject that I wanted to touch on for a long time and since I had not had enough time to sit down and write things that I would like for you to learn about golf and especially so that you improve and understand how important it is get the material right.

In this article I am not going to talk about the gatgets and accessories that are used to improve putting.

I want you to understand that before making an investment in material in order to deliver correctly and with a methodology that makes you evolve, it is necessary to have a putter that perfectly adapts to your posture, movement and sensation of the balance of the putter head.

Once I think you have a slight idea of what I want to explain to you, as I colloquially say to my players, let's get down to business.

Did you know that the putter is the only club in the bag that you always take out for every hole on the course?

The putter, and not the putt, is a club from your bag that perhaps, if you make 80 shots in your round, you can use approximately between 30 or 35 strokes, in saying a percentage of 40-45% of your strokes are putts.

If it assumes such a large number of strokes in your round, Why do you buy this club in your bag because you like it or because your favorite player has it?

In my opinion, that is a mistake that a person who starts playing golf tends to commit very often, they pay attention to many of these aspects, brand marketing in order to attract attention, television, players professionals, etc.

I am one of those who have a very sincere thought in this circumstance and I like to make a comparison with tennis, think, if I started playing, would I buy the same racket that Rafa Nadal plays with his same string tension specifications, so swing weight on the racket and the same type of grip?

So what are you doing playing the same putter that Tiger Woods plays in design if you don't have his quality?

There are the effects of everything I mentioned before.

I want you to understand that with this type of product the time will come when you can play it but that everything must go in due time and that your way of positioning yourself on the ball, moving the putter and generating acceleration through the downswing is not the same as that of a professional player.

Did you know that a 3 meter putt with a deviation of 1º from the center of the hole is a missed putt along the edge of the hole?

A very important part is the trend and alignment when it comes to throwing a putter. Probably you have understood some of this phrase but... you may wonder, the tendency?

If the tendency is that, in which the teacher works with his player to have a consistent putting movement, and thus, create a tendency to always have the same execution, in movement, timing and acceleration.


Do you think that the putter you have is the one that gives you the best features and performance?

If you answered yes, it could be for two reasons, one is that you have really been fitted with a putter objectively and you have the tip balance that adapts to your movement of the putter in the back and down swing, the type of grip and the length of the putt, the type of neck that suits your position and your dominant eye, etc.

Or secondly, you think that what you have gives you a lot of performance.


I want to start by arguing this. The putter is the other end of your bag that is extremely important to me. Now that you have read my fitting articles like:

If you have read it, you will know that it is a club that we at Handmade Custom Clubs give the same importance to as a set of clubs, the driver, some woods, etc.

The reason is simple, it is a club that in a round of golf marks the confidence of the player.

How many times has it happened to you that you started out playing well and hitting good shots to the flag and then the putter didn't go with you, and in the end on your round, that inconsistency in the putter ends up generating such frustration that it makes your game fall apart.

Well, another thing that is very important for you to know is that a bad putter can have effects on:

The incidence on the movement technique, the angle of the arms and legs, which make our movement inconsistent and it is very difficult for us to repeat. Getting a correct roll of the ball.

And even get to feel the force and speed of each putt.

It is something fundamental that we have to learn from the first moment, that is, working from the base is essential so that later the movement looks natural and consistent from the outside.

Nuria Iturrioz (LPGA and LET Professional Player)
working with SAM PuttLab

I have a very clear idea of what I'm looking to achieve with the players I work with.

My work philosophy in putter fitting is:

"Find a comfortable and consistent position in back position, eyes on the ball, arm position, etc., that allow a level of execution in game and pressure situations that do not alter movement"

Miki Rapado ®

Probably many of you who are reading this article will be waiting for me to show my fitting method as in previous articles. I think I will show something but as I always say in my head there is only me.

Telling you about my fitting procedure and how I do it in this article, I am only going to tell you that I use the same process that I follow when I do a fitting of any other segment of the game and I follow the same steps.

Of course, I take into account that a mistake in selecting this club can cause the player to lose shots and considerable confidence in the round.

The main objective of HCC's putting fitting is not for you to buy a putter, but for you to be clear about the putter profile that is most suitable for you and that allows you to repeat your trend more naturally.

And finally recommend the models or models of the different brands that we work with so that you can have a model that you like and that also suits you.

You will ask yourself?

How do you go about reaching these conclusions?

The first thing, and for fundamental, take a lot of flight when fitting and listening to the players.

Second, be instructor Authorized Putt By SAM PuttLab It helps me to identify the problems that the player has from his position in the stance, to the execution of movement, to identify the optimal loft with the roll of the ball and to observe the level of repetition and consistency of the movement of the player.

And for me, the most important thing is knowing how to listen to the player about his fears, his goals and what he wants to achieve with the putter.

In the following article, I will deal in depth with the most common errors that I find among players and the aspects that you have to take into account when making a decision.

If you liked the topic that we have discussed and you think that your friends and other players should know about its existence, please do not be afraid to share the knowledge and do not keep it only for yourself…

© Miki Rapado ®, 2020

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